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Art of Our Ancient Ancestors   -  By: Babak A. Tafreshi

Engraved in rock, these ancient petroglyphs are abundant in the Teimareh valley, located in the Zagros Mountains of central Iran. They likely tell a tale of hunters and animals found in the middle eastern valley 6,000 years ago or more. In the night sky above are Polaris (the North Star) and Little Dipper on the left, Capella and constellation Auriga in the middle top, and stars of Gemini, the Twins, sit below it at the rock's edge. Prominent constellation Orion, the Hunter, is on the right, right above the pictured hunter on the rock!
There are over 20,000 engraved pictures in Teimareh valley which place it among the world's most notable petroglyph sites, still largely undiscovered. In this view the prehistoric artist illustrated a tale which involves leopards, wolfs, a cheetah, and gazelles, and a horse riding hunter (top right), apparently under snow shower as shown over the Leopards. The artist tried to give the sense of distances in 2 dimensional picture by showing some of the elements smaller than usual, like the horse rider, or few of the animals.


    Item Code: 102429

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